Zaca Center Preschool
Zaca Center Preschool (LIC# 426215499) has been in operation since February 1996. The center is part of the Rancho de Maria housing development in Buellton. We are nestled between single-family homes, condominiums, and the Zaca Creek Golf Course and Community Park. Zaca Center Preschool serves families throughout the Santa Ynez Valley, Lompoc, Santa Maria and the Gaviota Coast. On any given day we have the privilege of serving up to 43 preschool children and their families. Our doors are open from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm providing full-day, half-day and three-quarter day programs. We provide nutritious snacks and lunches prepared on site using homemade recipes. Our curriculum is a "play based" curriculum designed specifically for the developmental needs of two to five year olds. The preschool program offers a rich and challenging environment that encourages exploration, curiosity, and creativity. Zaca Center Preschool recognizes that children develop at different rates and in different ways. Our curriculum is geared towards the developmental needs of each individual child. Our team of staff members work closely to facilitate an effective and efficient full inclusion program. Parents, as well as staff, are continually encouraged by the goal achievements and mutual peer benefits within the inclusive setting. Behavioral concerns and quickly moderated, and functional self-help skills are acquired by the generous exposure to peer models. Activities in our preschool include art, science, math, language development, music, movement, dramatic play, neighborhood walks, conversations, nature activities, story reading, cooking, and tending to the classroom pets and vegetable garden. Through play, the primary focus is to help children develop social and emotional skills by interacting with their peers and learning methods of conflict resolution and problem solving. Our children learn how to identify their feelings and express them in constructive ways. All of these experiences are designed to foster life-long feelings of competency and self-esteem. Zaca Center is a Demonstration Site for the Outdoor Classroom Project. The children spend a substantial portion of each day outdoors, exploring, experimenting and investigating the outdoor environment. The children collect insects, work in the garden, play in the mud kitchens, work in the outdoor writing centers, play in the water, and use real tools to experiment with. Zaca Center Preschool has been recognized by the California Department of Education Early Learning and Care Division as a Partner Site for the California Teaching Pyramid. This program supports our teachers in using strategies that focus on the Social and Emotional Development of children including, but not limited to following routines and instruction, making friends, communicating their needs, managing their feelings, and helping them solve their disagreements. All of our staff were trained in the Collaborative on Social and Emotional Learning Foundations of Early Learning--also referred to as CSEFEL. The skills learned are used in our classrooms with our children each and every day. Zaca Center has also been recognized as a "Green Care Provider" by the Green Care for Children Organization of Santa Barbara. We practice being green by using cleaning products free of harsh chemicals and irritants, we recycle, compost, garden, and practice water and energy conservation. We have also participated in the Santa Barbara County Preschool Healthy Foods Initiative sponsored by the Orfaela Foundation. We serve two healthy snacks and a healthy lunch each day. We use fresh produce and cooked from scratch recipes. Our children participate in gardening experiences by growing, tending and harvesting foods from our preschool garden. A favorite activity is making juice using fresh fruits and vegetables--many from our garden---beets, kale, spinach, apples, carrots... We are grateful for the opportunity to share our program with you and would welcome your interest and suggestions for continuing our high-quality work with children at Zaca Center Preschool. Welcome!
Our Philosophy Zaca Center Preschool is based on the premise that learning is a natural on-going process. Our staff is committed to enhancing this learning process. We are staffed by mature, loving and responsible adults who not only have the academic backgrounds in Early Childhood Education, but have the ability to understand and accept the individual differences in children. We strive to create a daily environment that is nurturing, secure and supportive. Children need to feel secure in order to learn. We believe that it is important to give children the time and space to discover the world around them and their place in the world. We spend the majority of our day outdoors exploring and investigating our surroundings. We believe in maintaining an anti-biased curriculum full of opportunities to experience many cultures and the differences among people. We offer many opportunities throughout the school year for you to participate in your child's experience here at Zaca Center Preschool. We offer a Teacher Meet and Greet, Parent Night, Beach Day, Trunk or Treat, Winterfest Craft Night, Muffins in the Morning, End of the Year Picnic and Parent Teacher Conferences twice per school year. Our doors are always open to parents and/or classroom volunteers. The staff are always in need of extra helpers on our community outings, help on our work Saturdays or help with fundraising events. Please let us know in what capacity you will be able to share in your child's valuable early learning experience.
Program Goals 1.Provide an environment that is nurturing, secure, and supportive. 2.Promote children’s awareness of the world and their place in the world. 3.Support the development of children with special needs by including them in our classrooms and all of our daily activities. 4.Promote socialization among children in a setting conducive to the development of social relationships. 5.Allow children to identify their feelings and express them in constructive ways. 6.Provide opportunities for meaningful play, based on their individual needs, interests, and capabilities. 7.Encourage acceptance of the differences in all people. 8.Collaborate with families in order to serve the child’s best interest. Ensure that families feel a part of their child’s educational experience. 9.Support families at home by providing them with in-home schedules, social stories, and supports needed for their successful parenting. 10.Support children to develop their whole self: Social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development. 11.Support the child’s natural curiosity by giving the child the time and space needed to discover the natural environment by spending a large portion of each day outdoors. 12.Be a center of health and wellness for our children, their families and our staff by serving fresh and minimally processed foods and by having children participate in a year-round pesticide free gardening experience. 13.Teachers and classroom staff model environmental stewardship by teaching recycling, composting and practicing water and energy conservation. 14.. Respect that each child will develop at different rates and in their own way.
About Us!

"Children cannot play without learning and cannot learn without playing"
– Stacy Benge, Child Development Specialist and Author