Zaca Center Preschool

Our Policies...
For a full list of our policies, please see our Parent Handbook
Nutrition Policy

We feel that a variety of well balanced meals, served in a stress free environment is the key to good nutrition. Eating is social and should be a positive part of every child's day. We teach our children the importance of our environment by composting some of our scraps, recycling appropriate materials and by using washable plates, cups and utensils as well as using cloth napkins at all of our meal times. Since Zaca Center does not provide breakfast, we ask that parents provide breakfast at home. SNACK... Children are served two nutritious snacks each day. We serve a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grain foods. Each child is encouraged to join their classmates and teachers at the snack table, but have the choice of whether or not to eat. All snacks are served with water unless otherwise noted. Morning Snack...9:00am-9:45am Afternoon Snack...2:30pm-3:15pm LUNCH... We serve a well-balanced lunch which generally includes at least one hot item. All meals are served family style where the children serve their own food and pour their own drinks. Teachers sit at the table with the children. Each child is encouraged to join their classmates at the table, but they have the choice of whether or not they will eat. Second helpings will be offered to those wanting them. It is encouraged, but not required that the children try the variety of foods offered. Milk and water are always available at the lunch time meal. Lunch is served from 11:30am-12noon. We feel that we offer plenty of time for eating during our snack and lunch times. Unfortunately, due to staffing and scheduling, we must limit eating times to the above scheduled times. Snack and lunch menus are posted outside of the kitchen door. Each child will receive a monthly lunch and snack menu to be posted at home. If you have misplaced yours, please find extra copies on the parent board. BIRTHDAYS... Children's birthdays may be celebrated by bringing a snack to share with the class. We ask that you bring a low sugar healthy snack. Some ideas for healthy snacks: fresh fruit, 100% fruit juice popsicles, yogurt, raisins, cheese slices or cut up vegetables with hummus. We no longer accept home baked items due to the variety of children's allergies. Please see your child's teacher to make arrangements in advance. FOODS NOT SERVED AT ZACA CENTER PRESCHOOL... Popcorn, nuts, pretzels, whole grapes, hot dogs, peanut butter, chunks of raw carrots, and meats larger than what can be swallowed whole.
Illness Policy

To keep the spread of communicable diseases down in our center, we ask that you evaluate your child’s health prior to sending them to preschool in the morning. Please keep your child home if he or she has any of the following symptoms: Sore throat Cough Earache Shortness of breath Fever—above 100.4° Continuous sneezing and/or runny nose “Green” mucous nose/eyes Chills Nausea/vomiting and/or diarrhea Congestion Undiagnosed Rash Head or muscle aches OR if your child is not able to fully participate in all activities at the preschool. Activities include outdoor play, sandbox, water tables, painting, etc… If you feel your child is not up to any or all of these activities, then it becomes your responsibility to keep your child at home. The staff will call you if your child becomes ill or is unable to fully participate in the preschool’s daily activities. Your child will need to be taken home as quickly as possible. We allow a one-hour leeway for parents working outside of the Santa Ynez Valley. Please be sure that a parent, guardian, friend or relative is available at all times to pick your child up from preschool. If your child is sent home from preschool with any of the above listed conditions, then he or she will not be permitted to attend preschool for 24 hours after the symptoms have subsided--without the use of medication. Ex: A child is sent home with a fever on Monday, then he or she may not return for a minimum of 24 hours after their last fever without fever reducing medication. The earliest the child may return is Wednesday. Children who are seen by a physician and given medication can return to school a minimum of 24 hours after the first dose of medication is given, unless the physician has imposed a longer stay at home. In some instances, a note from your child’s physician may be required in order for your child to return to preschool. Please remember to keep the preschool informed of any contagious illnesses that your child may be experiencing—this allows us to inform other preschool families and to keep the spread of illness to a minimum. Zaca Center Preschool reserves the right to exclude children as they see fit or deem as necessary--note that in some instances our return times may be longer than what your doctor may prescribe. If your child suffers from a chronic illness—please be sure to get documentation from your child’s physician noting the specifics of the illness so that all staff are aware and can be supportive of your child’s needs. Please remind your child to cough/sneeze into their elbow rather than their hands. And help them to use a tissue to blow and wipe their nose and to wash their hands after doing so. This is a great step in helping to keep the spread of illnesses down in the preschool. We appreciate all of our preschool staff and families following the above listed guidance as we must all do our part to slow the spread of illness in the preschool setting
Tuition Policy

•A non-refundable enrollment fee of $100 is charged annually per child. •All tuition checks should be made payable to: Zaca Center Preschool. •Tuition is billed monthly, in advance through our Brightwheel app. Tuition is due on the first working day of the month for which it is billed, unless alternate arrangements have been made in writing to the preschool director. •Tuition is deemed late after the 10th of each month. •A late fee of $25 will be applied to all tuition received after the 10th of the month. •Tuition is pro-rated for the entire school year. Tuition is billed for the same amount each month regardless of the number of school holidays. •The school year is considered August through June (Zaca Center is closed for the month of July). •Zaca Center Preschool plans to offer its full 2025-2026 program uninterrupted, although events beyond the preschool’s control may occur during the school year including but not limited to natural disasters or public health emergencies. In the event that such an interruption occurs, all tuition obligations will remain the same. Zaca Center Preschool may discount or waive future payments during the interruption to the extent the preschool is able to do so while still meeting all operating expenses. •Zaca Center Preschool reserves the right to refuse admittance to a child when tuition is overdue. •Zaca Center Preschool will charge a $35 fee for a check that is presented for payment and is returned unpaid by the bank. In addition, future payments will need to be paid with cash or through the Brightwheel payment app. •Tuition credit and/or make-up days are not granted for scheduled or unscheduled absences due to illness or family emergency. •Tuition credit is not granted for vacation. •Zaca Center does not offer a sibling discount. •There is a $5 late pick-up charge for each five minutes or part of after your child’s scheduled pick-up time. The late pick-up fee applies to all scheduled pick-up times (12:00pm, 2:30pm, 4:30pm, 5:00pm). Zaca Center Preschool reserves the right to ask the parent or guardian to permanently withdraw their child from Zaca Center Preschool after being picked up late three (3) or more times. Zaca Center Preschool does recognize the fact, however that emergency situations arise. •To withdraw a child from Zaca Center Preschool, the parent or legal guardian is required to submit intention of withdrawal one month prior to the last day of the child’s attendance. •In the event you change your mind and decide not to enroll your child in Zaca Center Preschool for the 2025-2026 school year—you must give notice of your intention to withdraw on or before April 1, 2025. If you give notice after April 1, 2025--you will be charged a $300 late drop fee. •If Zaca Center Preschool should deem it necessary to ask a parent to withdraw a child, Zaca Center Preschool will refund any unused tuition less any outstanding charges of misused equipment, late tuition charges, late pick-up fees, etc… •Parents will be given a 30-day written notice prior to any rate change.
Photo Release Policy

From time-to-time at Zaca Center Preschool we would like to use the mediums of photography and video to enhance our language arts. For example, when discussing the theme of transportation, the students have enjoyed viewing the many different ways in which their friends come to preschool. The personalization of topics tends to improve concept development. We would also like to use video for pre- and post-evaluations for several of our students--and that may mean your child could inadvertently be in the video background. PHOTOGRAPHIC RELEASE I consent to have photographs and/or videos taken of my child at preschool activities by other parents/guardians of class members as part of their child’s family scrapbook and history. (Ex: birthday parties, field trips, preschool gatherings…). Although we ask that parents/guardians do not post photos of other children on their social media pages without the consent of the child’s parents. I consent to have photographs and/or videos taken by Zaca Center Preschool staff of my child for educational purposes and in connection with preschool activities. (Ex: portfolios, picture cards, group time activities, art work displays…). Zaca Center Preschool Staff will not post photos of children on social media. When posting we typically post information on upcoming events and activities as well as photos of projects the children have been working on. Please be respectful of your fellow preschool families by not posting photos or videos of other children without parental permission. Thank you!
Immunization Policy

The California School Immunization Law requires that all children’s immunizations are up to date in order to attend preschool. Children not fully immunized or not in the process of becoming immunized, will not be allowed to enroll in preschool. If you or your child’s physician are seeking a medical exemption please go to: CDPH CAIR ME to fill out the medical exemption forms with the California Public Health Department. The medical exemption must be granted and received by the preschool before preschool enrollment can take place. Any questions on medical exemptions must be directed to the California Public Health Department and/or your child’s physician
Non-Discrimination/Inclusion Policy

Statement of Inclusion Zaca Center Preschool supports the development of children with special needs by including them in our classrooms and all of our daily activities. We encourage the acceptance of the differences in all people. We at Zaca Center respect that each child will develop at different rates and in their own way. Non-discrimination Statement and Policy Zaca Center Preschool admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all of the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the preschool. It doesn’t discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school administered programs.
“Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.”
― Fred Rogers